Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Chad and I with the 6x6 bull.

September Bull

September 2011 was good to the Sowa family again. Matt shot this bull with his bow at 22 yds on Sept. 29th, the second to the last day of the archery season here in Idaho.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last beautiful day of skiing 2011

The boys and I on lake Pend Oreille

Trevor with his girlfriend Nadia, and Trygve

Fishing early spring, Trevor

Thursday, March 3, 2011

more of Mexico 2011

house from the road

The Charlies Angels of Mexico

The boys headed out for 8 hours of fishing, but caught nothing

Sunrise on the fishing trip

Entrance sign to the house

Fishing village to the south of us; Barra de Potosi

Thats my husband

The pool!

Our first throw together dinner in Mexico, Excellent

House enterance

Sunday, February 27, 2011

mexico 2011

Guess the boys missed us more than we thought Got back and gave them there new Soccer uniforms straight from mexico. The problem is they will not take them off. Went to lunch with Grandma Whitefish before she left for home, Trevor wore his jersey, shorts and snowboots. How fitting.
All three boys wearing thier jerseys.

Maryanne and I in front of the sand Corona bottle at the airport. Only in mexico will you find a giant bottle of beer and a bucket of corona!

Leaving day in Mexico. All three girls; Maryanne, Red and I

This is what happens the day you leave Mexico and have a lot of corona and alcohol to finish!
Chris, Matt and Red

We did one day/evening in Ixtapa and tried out Senior Frog's. Great company, not so great restaurant

Appetizers and drinks in Ixtapa; Conner and Matt

The three girls again, wasting time in the car

Chris and his big fish he caught from shore. A local said it was dorado due to the color. Not sure if we believe her because it was a dark meat

Red and Maryanne eating birthday cake for Maryanne's 40th. Got the caretakers to make us a fiesta dinner of chicken Mole, Yum

Cassie, Eric, Matt, Maryanne and Edens head

Matt is fighting the sunset pose with Eric. Cant understand why

One of the many beautiful sunsests we encountered
Cori, Maryanne, Matt and Cassie

This fish took many of us to bring in. The boys went out on an 8 hour fishing tour and the girls stayed home. While they were gone we noticed small bait fish in the surf. Eden took the oportunity to fish and caught this massive fish. As you will see from the following pics it took quite a few of us to bring it in. We even had to ask Victor for help!

The pool! And the beach in the background. Tough I know but someone had to go there and find out what it was like.

Me and Eric at one of the nightly dinners

Matt and I

Cassie and I

The 10 of us at dinner! Minus me cause I had to take the picture

We brought the slack line from home. Great entertainment

Our resident Iguana that lived outside our room.

Mac and I

Dinner again. You must eat when you consume as much beer and alcohol as we did on a regular basis. They say you should not drink the water so what else are you suppose to drink?

Mac and Red enjoying the hammock

Us girls on the beach again. Looks like I put my shirt on inside out. Atleast I got in on!

Matt in the surf fishing

Matt and Chris. After flying for 7 hours Chris needed to hit the surf

Yes, this is where we had to spend all 10 of your days. Pretty shabby!

One of the incredible sunsets from the house. Tough I know

Eric and Matt chillin

Mac and I waiting for Red to arrive. Just to let her know who much we missed her until she arrived we saved her chair

must be my self portrait, I cant remember

on the beach, again

Found a coconut and had to get the milk out. Pina coladas of course.

Matt and I

Pealing garlic if you really want to know.

The kitchen

Our first breakfast in Mexico. Huevo's Ranchero's
10 days in Mexico with 10 great people. What a diverse mix of people that blended so well. Many of us had never met, but would love to travel with each other again. We rented a house just south of Zihuatanejo on a very private beach called playa blanca. Maybe 5 people walked in front of the house on a daily basis. Most just strolling the beach or locals fishing. More pics to follow when I get others from everyone else. These are just a few of the ones we took.