Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

Well we woke up this morning with cloudy sky's but no rain. The easter bunny did not make it inside the house, such a bad mother I am. But one ventured over from next door and lined the sidewalk with jellybean filled eggs. OH BOY!!! Once daddy got home we picked them up, gave the boys a small taste which is never enough and will never hear the end of it. Than after a little down time with Handy Manny it was off the the park for some playtime and another easter egg hunt. Once the rain started to fall the trip was complete and we bailed before the hunt, but the boys don't know what they missed. Playing at the park was the icing in the cake. Hadley, the boys friend was also at the park with bubbles and kept Trygs attention for a long time. Now it is home for some rest and relaxation.

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